Thursday, August 23, 2012

Summer Reading Program

WOW!  The summer reading program is over, and did we Dream Big, Read!
I'm not posting actual numbers, but we are very proud of our kids (and their parents).  We had some families that were in here almost everyday for story times, crafts, movies and special events.  We tried to have something for everyone, and if there are a lot of different age everyones in the family they were here.......a lot.

Our new adult summer reading program was an amazing success.  It turns out, not just kids like to get prizes!  Thanks to all those who participated.

We had wonderful teen volunteers, too.  This is the first time we set up an actual program and schedule (following the advice of Victor Library), and our 12 volunteers were reliable and patient.  They did everything we asked with very little whining!  We couldn't be more grateful.

We were very fortunate to have 4 therapy dogs come in for weekly reading with the kids.  I'm not sure who had more fun, the kids who read or the dogs who listened.  There was lots of loving!  We want to thank Tessa, Henna, Gus and Coupar (and their humans) for giving their time every Wednesday.

In addition to our paid performers and craft people, I want to recognize the people who volunteered their time, energy, and sometimes funds, to help with all the programming.  Thank you, Sue Toomey, Kathy Roberts, Phil Klingler, Olivia LeBrecht, and Judy Buckley.

Our community sponsors were more generous than ever!  A special thanks to the Cowlick, Marks Pizza, Sportworks, Wickham Farms, Shells Pizza, McDonald's, Books Etc., Piazza's and Reliant Community Credit Union.

It was a wonderful, busy, exhausting and fun summer!  Let's do it again next July!

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