Last week was all about the darker side of our dreams. Those things that go bump in the night. Those things that make the hair on the back of our neck stand up a little straighter. Those things that make us go "Ewwww!"
The Genesee Storytellers came on Tuesday and told us some scary stories and legends from around the world. There was the ghost who asked the pastor to find her murdered body in the basement and the gravedigger who stole the coins from the dead woman's eyes. More than one of us slept with our lights on that night.
On Wednesday, we were visited by John Crocitto and his CroZoo reptiles and invertebrates. For anyone who doesn't think an alligator snapping turtle is creepy looking, well, you should think again!
The best part of John's show is always when we get to actually touch his "friends"...except for the snapping turtle, of course.